Saltatu eta joan eduki nagusira

Art is all around!


Why hiring artists from outside when we've got our own experts? DIY!
Here we have our kids using all their artistic skills to create a new table for our 
Project Room.

Zergatik kontratatu kanpoko artistak gure adituak hemen daudenean? Zuk zeuk egin!
Hemen dugu gure umeak Proiektu Gelako mahai berriak margozten.

Blog honetako argitalpen ezagunak


Jadotxo egunean hainbat ekintzatan parte hartu genuen: GOIZEAN, zazpi jauzi dantzatu, Jadotxoren kanta abestu eta gure ikastetxeko Lidup-a ikusi genuen. ARRATSALDEAN, tailer desberdinak egon ziren aste osoan zehar euskara hitz egin genuen ikasle guztiontzat!
ENGLISH DAYS!!! Last week we had a great time at school celebrating English Days! We went to the theater and enjoyed the play "Witches and Cookies". It was great! Apart from that, we decorated the walls, windows and doors with British flags, underground station signs and more things. Here you have some pictures, enjoy!